Trophy Waters

2018 Smallmouth Bass Listing

Total Trophy Smallmouth Basss: 1331
Bass must be 18″ or over
July 17, 2018, Kevin Howell caught the largest Smallmouth Bass at 22″ in length.

DateNameCity, STLength
May 20, 2018Robert PiferDurand, WI18 1/4
May 20, 2018Ken RindahlNorth Branch, MN18 1/4
May 22, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN18
May 22, 2018Carter GrayLexinton, KY18
May 22, 2018Carter GrayLexinton, KY18 1/4
May 22, 2018Logan CoxLexington, KY18 1/4
May 22, 2018Jack MendellPeoli, IN18 1/2
May 22, 2018Dale WaltersPlymouth, MN18 1/2
May 22, 2018Steven FinleyFlorida, USA18 1/2
May 22, 2018Logan CoxLexington, KY18 3/4
May 22, 2018Steven FinleyFlorida, USA19
May 22, 2018Spencer LehrDassel, MN18 1/4
May 22, 2018Spencer LehrDassel, MN18 1/2
May 23, 2018Fred BakerOak Park, IL18
May 23, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN18
May 23, 2018Carter GrayLexinton, KY18
May 23, 2018Carter GrayLexington, KY18
May 23, 2018Ryan RightSalol, MN18
May 23, 2018Don AdermanHayward, WI18 1/2
May 23, 2018Elden CoxLexington, KY18 1/2
May 23, 2018Elden CoxLexington, KY18 1/2
May 23, 2018Ryan RightSalol, MN18 1/2
May 24, 2018Aaron BuscherConifer, CO18
May 24, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN18
May 24, 2018Elden CoxLexington, KY18
May 24, 2018Logan CoxLexington, KY18
May 24, 2018Dale WaltersPlymouth, MN18 1/2
May 25, 2018Brent RoaderickOcala, FL18
May 25, 2018Elden CoxLexington, KY18
May 25, 2018Elden CoxLexington, KY18
May 25, 2018Logan CoxLexington, KY18
May 25, 2018Drew KortuemWaseca, MN18 1/2
May 25, 2018Tom JanousekRocklin, CA18 1/2
May 25, 2018Charles BairdCynthiana, KY18 1/2
May 25, 2018Dave KrampitzWaseca, MN19 1/2
May 26, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN18
May 26, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN18
May 26, 2018David MathisLexington, KY18
May 26, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN18 3/4
May 26, 2018Dave KrampitzWaseca, MN19 1/2
May 26, 2018Dave ArffHayward, Wi19 1/2
May 26, 2018D.J. AdermanHayward, WI19 1/2
May 26, 2018Walker KrampitzWaseca, MN19 3/4
May 27, 2018Jeremy GodwinCharlotte, NC18
May 27, 2018Jon BrownAuburndale, FL18
May 27, 2018Steve LeaverChesterfield, MO18 1/2
May 27, 2018Matt WilliamsCharlotte, NC19
May 27, 2018Brian ParrishCharlotte, NC19 1/2
May 27, 2018Jeremy GodwinCharlotte, NC19 1/2
May 27, 2018Todd PhillipsOak Grove, MN19 1/2
May 27, 2018Matt WilliamsCharlotte, NC20 1/4
May 28, 2018Jeff RalsonChicago, IL18
May 28, 2018Brian ParrishCharlotte, NC18
May 28, 2018Doug Riddell-DudraLoretto, MN18
May 28, 2018Jim BreitbachOtsego, MN18
May 28, 2018Rob PearsonBlaine, MN18
May 28, 2018Jeffrey GardSt. Paul, KS18
May 28, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO18
May 28, 2018Brian ParrishCharlotte, NC18 1/4
May 28, 2018Jake RiverNowata, OK18 1/4
May 28, 2018Kurt SonnentagMiddleton, WI18 1/2
May 28, 2018Wyatt RobertsKansas City, MO18 1/2
May 28, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO18 1/2
May 28, 2018Troy NorthWarrensburg, MO18 1/2
May 28, 2018John RinerNowata, OK20
May 29, 2018Dobson PattersonCharlotte, NC18
May 29, 2018Scott WilliamsIndependence, MN18 1/4
May 29, 2018Dobson PattersonCharlotte, NC18 1/2
May 29, 2018Scott WilliamsIndependence, MN18 1/2
May 29, 2018Terry TennillIndependence, MN18 1/2
May 29, 2018Scott WilliamsIndependence, MN18 1/2
May 29, 2018Paul LeaverBirmingham, AL19
May 29, 2018Terry TennillIndependence, MN19
May 30, 2018Bill TorphyMt. Juliet, TN18
May 30, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO18
May 30, 2018Dan BrownBlue Springs, MO18
May 30, 2018Steve StinsonMontgomery, AL18 1/4
May 30, 2018Mark RinerBartlesville, OK18 1/2
May 30, 2018John RinerNowata, OK19
May 30, 2018Michael KempFrontenac, MO19 1/2
May 30, 2018Terry TennillIndependence, MO19 1/2
May 30, 2018Terry TennillIndependence, MO19 1/2
May 30, 2018David HarrelsonWinter Garden, FL21
May 31, 2018Anthony ThomasStatesville, NC18
May 31, 2018Eric SchulzTopeka, KS18
May 31, 2018Jon BrownAuburndale, FL18
May 31, 2018Mike LongAsh Flat, AR18
May 31, 2018Mike LongAsh Flat, AR18
May 31, 2018Mike LongAsh Flat, AR18
May 31, 2018Wyatt RobertsKansas City, MO18
May 31, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO18
May 31, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO18
May 31, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO18
May 31, 2018Troy NorthWarrensburg, MO18
May 31, 2018Troy NorthWarrensburg, MO18
May 31, 2018Joe DeloachAllan, TX18 1/4
May 31, 2018Clifford RinerBartlesville, OK18 1/4
May 31, 2018Steve ZaudtkeTower, MN18 1/2
May 31, 2018Ethan SchulzTopeka, KS19
May 31, 2018Mike LongAsh Flat, AR19
May 31, 2018Wyatt RobertsKansas City, MO19
May 31, 2018Kenny HensleyRaymore, MO19
May 31, 2018Dan BrownBlue Springs, MO19
May 31, 2018Ethan StaveSpencer, IA19 1/2
May 31, 2018Gabe WindemanOsage City, KS20
May 31, 2018Robert HarmonOsage City, KS20
May 31, 2018Jeremy GodwinCharlotte, NC20 1/4
June 1, 2018David HarrelsonWinter Garden, FL18
June 1, 2018Jeffrey GardSt. Paul, KS18
June 1, 2018Darren CherekBurlington, WI18
June 1, 2018Jared JohnsonOxford, AR18
June 1, 2018Jared JohnsonOxford, AR18
June 1, 2018Jared JohnsonOxford, AR18
June 1, 2018Jared JohnsonOxford, AR18
June 1, 2018Jared JohnsonOxford, AR18
June 1, 2018Jim PheifferSouix Falls, SD18
June 1, 2018Steve GarrySioux Falls, SD18
June 1, 2018Dean BuckenburgSioux Falls, SD18 1/4
June 1, 2018Darren CherekBurlington, WI18 1/2
June 1, 2018Darren CherekBurlington, WI18 1/2
June 1, 2018Carson StaveLittle Rock, IA19 1/2
June 1, 2018Jared JohnsonOxford, AR19 1/2
June 2, 2018Bo JamesWinter Haven, FL18
June 2, 2018John CollinsWinter Haven, FL18
June 2, 2018Michael SawallChicago, IL18
June 2, 2018Michael SawallChicago, IL18
June 2, 2018Wealdan SawallBurlington, WI18
June 2, 2018Dustin TrivittAsh Flat, AR18
June 2, 2018Dustin TrivittAsh Flat, AR18
June 2, 2018Dustin TrivittAsh Flat, AR18
June 2, 2018Dustin TrivittAsh Flat, AR18
June 2, 2018Bo JamesWinter Haven, FL18 1/2
June 2, 2018Dustin TrivittAsh Flat, AR18 1/2
June 2, 2018Jon BrownAuburndale, FL19 1/2
June 3, 2018Matt PeatsIndianaplois, IN18 1/2
June 3, 2018Matt PeatsIndianaplois, IN18 1/2
June 3, 2018Matt PeatsIndianaplois, IN18 1/2
June 3, 2018Matt PeatsIndianaplois, IN18 1/2
June 3, 2018Matt PeatsIndianaplois, IN18 1/2
June 3, 2018John HollingshedBoerne, TX18 1/2
June 3, 2018Russell AbrahamNorthfield, IL19
June 3, 2018Kuper PriceRockville, NE21
June 4, 2018Jeff MarisParkville, MO18
June 4, 2018John BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18
June 4, 2018George CannonFishers, IN18
June 4, 2018Any DerwinskiNew Berlin, WI18
June 4, 2018Bob JansenMukwongo, WI18
June 4, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18
June 4, 2018Harvie HamiltonHouma, LA18
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18
June 4, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18
June 4, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18
June 4, 2018Shane HaskinsOmaha, NE18
June 4, 2018Robert J. HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/9
June 4, 2018Harvie HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/8
June 4, 2018John BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/4
June 4, 2018John BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/4
June 4, 2018John BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/4
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/4
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/4
June 4, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/4
June 4, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/4
June 4, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 4, 2018Harvie HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/4
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18 1/4
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18 1/4
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18 1/4
June 4, 2018Charles NewcombHouston, TX18 1/4
June 4, 2018Bob SchweikertGrenta, NE18 1/4
June 4, 2018Gene LoosSioux Falls, SD18 1/4
June 4, 2018Jeff MarisParkville, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018John BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 4, 2018Thomas GuerreraBranford, CT18 1/2
June 4, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 4, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 4, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 4, 2018Harvie HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/2
June 4, 2018Bob SchweikertGrenta, NE18 1/2
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 3/4
June 4, 2018Daner BeuerleinSt Louis, MO18 3/4
June 4, 2018Wayne IbarolleYankton, SD18 3/4
June 4, 2018Pat MahinGreenwood, IN19
June 4, 2018Levi SchweikertGrenta, NE19 1/2
June 4, 2018Gene LoosSioux Falls, SD20
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI18
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18
June 5, 2018Bill MahreHugo, MN18
June 5, 2018Aaron DeRushaRoseville, MN18
June 5, 2018Andy DerwinskiNew Berlin, WI18
June 5, 2018Andy DerwinskiNew Berlin, WI18
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18
June 5, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18
June 5, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/8
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI18 1/4
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI18 1/4
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI18 1/4
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI18 1/4
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 5, 2018Jarod IbarolleYankton, SD18 1/2
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI18 1/2
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18 1/2
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18 1/2
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18 1/2
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18 1/2
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18 1/2
June 5, 2018Bill MahreHugo, MN18 1/2
June 5, 2018Russell AbrahamNorthfield, IL18 1/2
June 5, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/2
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 5, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 5, 2018John HollingshedBoerne, TX18 1/2
June 5, 2018Jim WeddleClayton, MO18 3/4
June 5, 2018Steve WeddlePhillips, WI19
June 5, 2018Aaron DeRushaRoseville, MN19
June 5, 2018Will BarrettLincoln, NE20
June 5, 2018James PriceRockville, NE20
June 6, 2018Dick KingOklahoma City, OK18
June 6, 2018Brian MahreHugo, MN18
June 6, 2018Pat MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 6, 2018Ian PeatsIndianaplois, IN18
June 6, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18
June 6, 2018Anthony MaloneMyrtle Beach, SC18
June 6, 2018Clayton E. LovellHouma, LA18
June 6, 2018Robert J. HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/8
June 6, 2018Ken FrazeyWalthill, NE18 1/4
June 6, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 6, 2018Anthony MaloneMyrtle Beach, SC18 1/4
June 6, 2018David PlemmonsConway, SC18 1/4
June 6, 2018Clayton E. LovellHouma, LA18 1/4
June 6, 2018Brian MahreHugo, MN18 1/2
June 6, 2018Russell AbrahamNorthfield, IL18 1/2
June 6, 2018Russell AbrahamNorthfield, IL18 1/2
June 6, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 6, 2018Anthony MaloneMyrtle Beach, SC18 1/2
June 6, 2018Kurt FrazeyOmaha, NE19 1/2
June 6, 2018Michael NorquistLino Lakes, MN19 1/2
June 7, 2018Bill MahreHugo, MN18
June 7, 2018James PriceRockville, NE18
June 7, 2018Mark KurdzielClifton, CO18
June 7, 2018Lee HonnenCentennial, Co18
June 7, 2018Jim MahinIndianaplois, IN18
June 7, 2018Jim MahinIndianaplois, IN18
June 7, 2018Pat MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 7, 2018Connor MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 7, 2018Connor MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 7, 2018Ian PeatsIndianaplois, IN18
June 7, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18
June 7, 2018Thomas GuerreraBranford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018Thomas GuerreraBranford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018Thomas GuerreraBranford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018Thomas GuerreraBranford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 7, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/4
June 7, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/4
June 7, 2018Connor MahinGreenwood, IN18 1/2
June 7, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/2
June 7, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/2
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 7, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 3/4
June 7, 2018Levi SchweikertGrenta, NE19
June 7, 2018Marv BergBlaine, MN19 1/2
June 7, 2018James PriceRockville, NE19 3/4
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18
June 8, 2018Steve DunbarYorba Linda, CA18
June 8, 2018Steve DunbarYorba Linda, CA18
June 8, 2018Dustin BakerValley Center, KS18
June 8, 2018Dustin BakerValley Center, KS18
June 8, 2018Dustin BakerValley Center, KS18
June 8, 2018Stacey MilesValley Center, KS18
June 8, 2018Susan KurdzeilAurora, CO18
June 8, 2018Jim MahinIndianaplois, IN18
June 8, 2018Jim MahinIndianaplois, IN18
June 8, 2018Jim MahinIndianaplois, IN18
June 8, 2018Pat MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 8, 2018Pat MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 8, 2018Pat MahinGreenwood, IN18
June 8, 2018Sam PeatsIndianaplois, IN18
June 8, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18
June 8, 2018Thomas GuerreraBranford, CT18
June 8, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18
June 8, 2018Danny LeeGraford, TX18
June 8, 2018Danny LeeGraford, TX18
June 8, 2018Garry McClearyPlymouth, MN18
June 8, 2018Garry McClearyPlymouth, MN18
June 8, 2018Garry McClearyPlymouth, MN18
June 8, 2018Garry McClearyPlymouth, MN18
June 8, 2018Garry McClearyPlymouth, MN18
June 8, 2018Rusty JohnsonPoverland Park, KS18
June 8, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 8, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 8, 2018Stacey MilesValley Center, KS18 1/4
June 8, 2018Russell AbrahamNorthfield, IL18 1/4
June 8, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/4
June 8, 2018Robert J. HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/4
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18 1/2
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18 1/2
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18 1/2
June 8, 2018Steve DunbarYorba Linda, CA18 1/2
June 8, 2018Steve DunbarYorba Linda, CA18 1/2
June 8, 2018Stacey MilesValley Center, KS18 1/2
June 8, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/2
June 8, 2018John O’LearyStratford, CT18 1/2
June 8, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 8, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 8, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 1/2
June 8, 2018Doug HamiltonHouma, LA18 1/2
June 8, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18 1/2
June 8, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18 1/2
June 8, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18 1/2
June 8, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18 1/2
June 8, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18 1/2
June 8, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18 1/2
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18 3/4
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18 3/4
June 8, 2018Steve DunbarYorba Linda, CA18 3/4
June 8, 2018James ButterworthNorth Branford, CT18 3/4
June 8, 2018David GlassmanStillwater, MN19
June 8, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS19
June 8, 2018Jim MahinIndianaplois, IN19
June 8, 2018Danny LeeGraford, TX19
June 8, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK19
June 8, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO19
June 8, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO19
June 8, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS19
June 8, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS19
June 8, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS19
June 8, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS19
June 8, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS19
June 8, 2018Dustin BakerValley Center, KS19 1/2
June 8, 2018Tyler MihmGrand Island, NE19 1/2
June 8, 2018Garry McClearyPlymouth, MN19 1/2
June 9, 2018Dustin BakerValley Center, KS18
June 9, 2018Randal WolfUnity, WI18
June 9, 2018Lee HonnenCentennial, Co18
June 9, 2018Richard PaclLaCross, WI18
June 9, 2018David NorbergEl Cajon, CA18
June 9, 2018Kim NorbergEl Cajon, CA18
June 9, 2018Tony DicelloLakeway, TX18
June 9, 2018Tony DicelloLakeway, TX18
June 9, 2018Tony DicelloLakeway, TX18
June 9, 2018Tony DicelloLakeway, TX18
June 9, 2018Scott SmithBargersville, IN18
June 9, 2018Rhonda SmithBargersville, IN18
June 9, 2018Rhonda SmithBargersville, IN18
June 9, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 9, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 9, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 9, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 9, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 9, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS18 1/4
June 9, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18 1/4
June 9, 2018Lee HonnenCentennial, Co18 1/2
June 9, 2018Brad HunsingerCentennial, Co18 1/2
June 9, 2018Gary HickmanFt. Walton Beach, FL18 1/2
June 9, 2018Gary HickmanFt. Walton Beach, FL18 1/2
June 9, 2018David NorbergEl Cajon, CA18 1/2
June 9, 2018Scott SmithBargersville, IN18 1/2
June 9, 2018Rhonda SmithBargersville, IN18 1/2
June 9, 2018Tom DryerVictoria, MN18 1/2
June 9, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18 3/4
June 9, 2018Douglas PetersonColeman, WI19
June 9, 2018Lee HonnenCentennial, Co19
June 9, 2018David NorbergEl Cajon, CA19
June 9, 2018Jim McKissackHighland Village, TX19
June 9, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS19
June 9, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS19
June 9, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS19
June 9, 2018Scott SmithBargersville, IN19 1/4
June 9, 2018Scott SmithBargersville, IN19 1/4
June 9, 2018Tom DryerVictoria, MN19 1/4
June 9, 2018Linda McKissackHighland Village, TX19 1/2
June 10, 2018Jon McCoyJoplin, MO18
June 10, 2018Keith McCoyStrafford, MO18
June 10, 2018Keith McCoyStrafford, MO18
June 10, 2018Keith McCoyStrafford, MO18
June 10, 2018Tom PetersonPlymouth, MN18
June 10, 2018James ThomisonPheonix, AZ18
June 10, 2018James ThomisonPheonix, AZ18
June 10, 2018Taylor ThomisonTempe, AZ18
June 10, 2018Gary HickmanFt. Walton Beach, FL18
June 10, 2018Richard PottsEvansville, IN18
June 10, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 10, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 10, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 10, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 10, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 10, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 10, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 10, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 10, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 10, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 10, 2018Jon McCoyJoplin, MO18 1/2
June 10, 2018Jon McCoyJoplin, MO18 1/2
June 10, 2018Keith HickmanRound Rock, TX18 1/2
June 10, 2018Jon McCoyJoplin, MO19
June 10, 2018Peter GraffStetsonville, WI19
June 10, 2018Paul EhlenMpls, MN19
June 10, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO19
June 11, 2018Ben PinnellBoulder, CO18
June 11, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18
June 11, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 11, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 11, 2018Dustin JohnsonOlathe, KS18
June 11, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18
June 11, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 11, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 11, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 11, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 11, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18
June 11, 2018Matt FeilerNashville, TN18 1/4
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS18 1/4
June 11, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18 1/4
June 11, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK18 1/4
June 11, 2018Ben PinnellBoulder, CO18 1/2
June 11, 2018Pete WildmanDowners Grove, IL18 1/2
June 11, 2018Matt HymerJoplin, MO18 1/2
June 11, 2018Gary RodgersNaperville, IL18 3/4
June 11, 2018Matt FeilerNashville, TN19
June 11, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO19
June 11, 2018Keith McCoyStrafford, MO19
June 11, 2018Rusty JohnsonOverland Park, KS19
June 11, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO19
June 11, 2018Harley MilesWichita, KS19 1/2
June 11, 2018Steve DunbarYorba Linda, CA19 1/2
June 11, 2018Jim MorganTinley Park, IL19 1/2
June 11, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK19 1/2
June 11, 2018Larry HymerGrove, OK19 1/2
June 12, 2018JB DickensonRogersville, MO18
June 12, 2018JB DickensonRogersville, MO18
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 12, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK18
June 12, 2018Joe AccardoSante Fe, NM18
June 12, 2018Loggan AccardoSante Fe, NM18
June 12, 2018Warren RolekAlbertville, MN18
June 12, 2018Nick KalePlymouth, MN18
June 12, 2018Jim ThomisonSilver City, NM18
June 12, 2018Jim ThomisonSilver City, NM18
June 12, 2018Gary HickmanFt. Walton Beach, FL18
June 12, 2018David SleperColumbia, MO18
June 12, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK18 1/4
June 12, 2018JB DickensonRogersville, MO18 1/2
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 12, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS18 1/2
June 12, 2018Evan ShobeOberlin, KS18 3/4
June 12, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK18 3/4
June 12, 2018Todd CrouseParker, CO19
June 12, 2018Steve BogaertFrankfort, IL19
June 12, 2018Steve BogaertFrankfort, IL19
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO19
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO19
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO19
June 12, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS19
June 12, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK19
June 12, 2018Ben LittleBoulder, CO19 1/4
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO19 1/4
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO19 1/2
June 12, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO19 1/2
June 12, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO19 1/2
June 12, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS19 1/2
June 12, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS19 1/2
June 12, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK20
June 12, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK20 1/2
June 13, 2018Rob KilhefnerValpariso, IN18
June 13, 2018Matt FeilerNashville, TN18
June 13, 2018Steve BogaertFrankfort, IL18
June 13, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 13, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK18
June 13, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK18
June 13, 2018Evan ShobeOberlin, KS18
June 13, 2018Michael LeonardPlymouth, MN18
June 13, 2018Richard SincovecLincoln, NE18
June 13, 2018Stone GoodmansonBuffalo, MN18
June 13, 2018Andrew CleaelandHenderson, CO18
June 13, 2018Keith HickmanRound Rock, TX18
June 13, 2018Chase OyenarteNewberry, FL18
June 13, 2018Larrell HughesMadison, AL18
June 13, 2018Sal RudolphTreasure Island, FL18
June 13, 2018Bill FairbanksLees Summit, MO18
June 13, 2018Bernie HenehanClinton, MO18
June 13, 2018Bernie HenehanClinton, MO18
June 13, 2018Matt FeilerNashville, TN18 1/4
June 13, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK18 1/4
June 13, 2018John Burbacher Jr.Groveport, OH18 1/4
June 13, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18 1/4
June 13, 2018Dave HaasFrankfort, IL18 1/2
June 13, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Lauren DanielsonShoreview, MN18 1/2
June 13, 2018David SleperColumbia, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Bob NolkeColumbia, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Clark SwisherColumbia, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Doug BetchieLewis Center, OH18 1/2
June 13, 2018Tom BurbacherColumbus, OH18 1/2
June 13, 2018John Burbacher Jr.Groveport, OH18 1/2
June 13, 2018John Burbacher Jr.Groveport, OH18 1/2
June 13, 2018James NaberClinton, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Robert BallClinton, MO18 1/2
June 13, 2018Chad DinesLittleton, CO18 3/4
June 13, 2018John Burbacher Jr.Groveport, OH18 3/4
June 13, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18 3/4
June 13, 2018Ben PinnellBoulder, CO19
June 13, 2018John KaiyaletheSt. Paul, MN19
June 13, 2018Tom BurbacherColumbus, OH19
June 13, 2018Kim BallClinton, MO19
June 13, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO19
June 13, 2018Bill FairbanksLees Summit, MO19
June 13, 2018Robert BallClinton, MO19 1/2
June 13, 2018Lauren DanielsonShoreview, MN20
June 13, 2018Tom SchwabBrooklyn Center, MN20
June 14, 2018Scott WagnerLittleton, CO18
June 14, 2018Ben LittleEvergreen, CO18
June 14, 2018Ben LittleEvergreen, CO18
June 14, 2018John ZavadilSt Louis, MO18
June 14, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18
June 14, 2018Dave HeckClaremore, OK18
June 14, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS18
June 14, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK18
June 14, 2018Joe AccardoSante Fe, NM18
June 14, 2018Henry ‘Buzz’ ClevelandDenver, CO18
June 14, 2018Tom ChisholmAurora, CO18
June 14, 2018Rolf DortenbachGermany18
June 14, 2018Eveline EickGermany18
June 14, 2018William WootenEvansville, IN18
June 14, 2018Rob GettyCrystal Lake, IL18
June 14, 2018Jon ScaleLewis Center, OH18
June 14, 2018Jon ScaleLewis Center, OH18
June 14, 2018Jon ScaleLewis Center, OH18
June 14, 2018Jon ScaleLewis Center, OH18
June 14, 2018John BurbacherKingston, OH18
June 14, 2018John BurbacherKingston, OH18
June 14, 2018Peter DinesLittleton, CO18 1/4
June 14, 2018Ed AndersonSt Louis, MO18 1/4
June 14, 2018Zach AndersonFrederic, WI18 1/2
June 14, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK18 1/2
June 14, 2018Richard SincovecLincoln, NE18 1/2
June 14, 2018Clark SwisherColumbia, MO18 1/2
June 14, 2018Ed BallButler, MO18 1/2
June 14, 2018Zach AndersonFrederic, WI19
June 14, 2018Dave HeckClaremore, OK19
June 14, 2018Elijah LandChisago City, MN19
June 14, 2018Zachary DohertyLindstrom, MN19
June 14, 2018Henry ‘Buzz’ ClevelandDenver, CO19
June 14, 2018Jon ScaleLewis Center, OH19
June 14, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK19 1/2
June 14, 2018Loggan AccardoSante Fe, NM19 1/2
June 14, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS20
June 14, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS20 1/2
June 15, 2018Matt FeilerNashville, TN18
June 15, 2018Dave HeckClaremore, OK18
June 15, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK18
June 15, 2018Jerome DalyMokena, IL18
June 15, 2018Richard EllisNewburgh, IN18
June 15, 2018John OstendorfBloomington, MN18
June 15, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN18
June 15, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN18
June 15, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN18
June 15, 2018Danny NaberClinton, MO18
June 15, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18
June 15, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18
June 15, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN18
June 15, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN18
June 15, 2018Dave CurryElk Point, SD18 1/4
June 15, 2018Danny NaberClinton, MO18 1/4
June 15, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18 1/4
June 15, 2018Dale SteffensLake Zurich, IL18 1/2
June 15, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK18 1/2
June 15, 2018Jordan SchmittLewis Center, OH18 1/2
June 15, 2018Jordan SchmittLewis Center, OH18 1/2
June 15, 2018Jordan SchmittLewis Center, OH18 1/2
June 15, 2018Dolphus ChaneyClaremore, OK18 3/4
June 15, 2018Geoffeey HoffaPhoenix, AZ19
June 15, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK19
June 15, 2018Jim ThomasDenver, CO19
June 15, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN19
June 15, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN19 1/2
June 15, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN19 1/2
June 16, 2018Wayne MyersRoanoke, VA18
June 16, 2018Wayne MyersRoanoke, VA18
June 16, 2018Brian MyersFincastle, VA18
June 16, 2018Elton AberleVerona, WI18
June 16, 2018Elton AberleVerona, WI18
June 16, 2018Don BeermannAmes, IA18
June 16, 2018Todd McRobertsHam Lake, MN18
June 16, 2018Wil HuettFort Collins, CO18
June 16, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN18
June 16, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN18
June 16, 2018John OstendorfBloomington, MN18
June 16, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN18
June 16, 2018John OstendorfBloomington, MN18
June 16, 2018Brian MyersFincastle, VA18 1/4
June 16, 2018Robert OyenarteNewberry, FL18 1/4
June 16, 2018Wil HuettFort Collins, CO18 1/4
June 16, 2018Dave HeckClaremore, OK18 1/2
June 16, 2018Elton AberleVerona, WI18 1/2
June 16, 2018Don BeermannAmes, IA18 1/2
June 16, 2018Dave HeckClaremore, OK19
June 16, 2018Dennis MourningLeawood, KS19
June 16, 2018Nick SmithClaremore, OK19
June 16, 2018Dick PattonEdina, MN19
June 16, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN19
June 16, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN19
June 16, 2018Daniel GubrudMpls, MN19
June 16, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN20
June 16, 2018Dave HeckClaremore, OK20 1/2
June 17, 2018Wil HuettFort Collins, CO18
June 17, 2018Kevin BurkhartLoveland, CO18
June 17, 2018Dan NaberClinton, MO18
June 17, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18
June 17, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN18
June 17, 2018John OstendorfBloomington, MN18
June 17, 2018John OstendorfBloomington, MN18
June 17, 2018Glen SchepersJasper, IN18 1/8
June 17, 2018Skip HunefeldScottsburg, IN18 1/4
June 17, 2018Kevin TretterFerdinand, IN18 1/4
June 17, 2018Joe NaberClinton, MO18 1/4
June 17, 2018Jimmy NaberClinton, MO18 1/4
June 17, 2018Paul GubrudBloomington, MN18 1/2
June 17, 2018Kent GubrudMpls, MN19
June 17, 2018John OstendorfBloomington, MN19
June 18, 2018Riley KobzaRulo, NE18
June 18, 2018Sean McRobertsEleva, WI18
June 18, 2018Sean McRobertsEleva, WI18
June 18, 2018Kevin BurkhartLoveland, CO18
June 18, 2018Glen SchepersJasper, IN18 1/8
June 18, 2018Mike GibsonGlendale, CA18 1/4
June 18, 2018Wil HuettFort Collins, CO18 1/4
June 18, 2018Luke WehrliNaperville, IL18 1/2
June 18, 2018Grant WehrliNaperville, IL19
June 19, 2018J.R. KinneyNaperville, IL18 1/2
June 19, 2018Ray KinneyNaperville, IL19
June 19, 2018Carly PostLa Canada, CA20
June 20, 2018Matt CraigBasehor, KS18
June 20, 2018Mike BoazChanute, KS18
June 20, 2018Glen SchepersJasper, IN18
June 20, 2018Duane BrennamenWellman,IA18
June 20, 2018David MorrisLebanon, PA18 1/2
June 20, 2018Michael MayerMokena, IL19
June 20, 2018Perry CerminaraLebanon, PA19
June 20, 2018Jake WehrliNaperville, IL19 1/2
June 21, 2018Riley KobzaRulo, NE18
June 21, 2018Wil HuettFort Collins, CO18
June 21, 2018Marvin PauleFort Collins, CO18 1/4
June 21, 2018John BotsfordGrand Forks, ND19
June 22, 2018Lloyd MontgomeryColumbia, MO18
June 22, 2018Nicholas KinneyBeyley, OH18
June 22, 2018Mike GrunderJohnsburg, IL18
June 22, 2018Dan LynchMonument, CO18 1/4
June 22, 2018Alan SchulmanLincolnshire, IL18 1/2
June 22, 2018Rick HammelOlathe, KS18 1/2
June 22, 2018Rick HammelOlathe, KS18 1/2
June 22, 2018Rick HammelOlathe, KS18 1/2
June 23, 2018Kyle KovichLisle, IL18
June 23, 2018Alan SchulmanLincolnshire, IL18
June 23, 2018H. Douglas YoderWheatland, WY18
June 23, 2018Stephen BenjaminFort Collins, CO18
June 23, 2018Jeff BenjaminFort Collins, CO18
June 23, 2018Lloyd MontgomeryColumbia, MO18
June 23, 2018Stephen BenjaminFort Collins, CO18 1/4
June 23, 2018Stephen BenjaminFort Collins, CO18 1/4
June 23, 2018James FeckHoffman Estates, IL18 1/2
June 23, 2018Kevin NelsonSt. Paul, MN18 1/2
June 23, 2018Stephen BenjaminFort Collins, CO18 1/2
June 23, 2018Jeff BenjaminFort Collins, CO18 1/2
June 23, 2018Pat BeauchampHayden, ID18 1/2
June 23, 2018Pat BeauchampHayden, ID18 3/4
June 23, 2018H. Douglas YoderWheatland, WY19
June 23, 2018Barry PostLa Canada, CA20
June 24, 2018Bob WhiteScottsdale, AZ18
June 24, 2018Hannah HauckBellefontaine, OH18
June 24, 2018Hannah HauckBellefontaine, OH18
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18
June 24, 2018James FeckHoffman Estates, IL18
June 24, 2018James FeckHoffman Estates, IL18
June 24, 2018Alan SchulmanLincolnshire, IL18
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18 1/4
June 24, 2018Gabi WhiteCave Creek, AZ18 1/2
June 24, 2018Nate HauckBellefontaine, OH18 1/2
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18 1/2
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18 1/2
June 24, 2018James FeckHoffman Estates, IL18 1/2
June 24, 2018Alan SchulmanLincolnshire, IL18 1/2
June 24, 2018Alan SchulmanLincolnshire, IL18 1/2
June 24, 2018Lloyd MontgomeryColumbia, MO18 1/2
June 24, 2018Bob WhiteScottsdale, AZ18 3/4
June 24, 2018Rick HauckBellefontaine, OH18 3/4
June 24, 2018Hannah HauckBellefontaine, OH19
June 24, 2018James FeckHoffman Estates, IL19
June 24, 2018Alan SchulmanLincolnshire, IL19
June 24, 2018Duane NelsonKent, WA19
June 24, 2018Lloyd MontgomeryColumbia, MO19 1/2
June 24, 2018Lloyd MontgomeryColumbia, MO19 1/2
June 24, 2018Tom LaundreAppleton, WI21
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18
June 25, 2018Seward E. HornerWakarusa, IN18
June 25, 2018Seward E. HornerWakarusa, IN18
June 25, 2018Cliff McKrellOverland Park, KS18
June 25, 2018Wayne SmithOverland Park, KS18 1/5
June 25, 2018Jim KojasOverland Park, KS18 1/4
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18 1/2
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18 1/2
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL18 1/2
June 25, 2018Dan DutscherRolfe, IA18 1/2
June 25, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL19
June 25, 2018Logan HeimLakeville, MN19
June 25, 2018Jim KojasOverland Park, KS19 1/4
June 25, 2018Scott KriegerLino Lakes, MN19 1/2
June 25, 2018Justin DobbsSherman, TX20 1/4
June 26, 2018Shawn MalonyGreat Falls, MT18
June 26, 2018Jay HonahanIowa City, IA18
June 26, 2018Seth MossBuena Vista, CO18
June 26, 2018Tom NelsonGreat Falls, MT18 1/4
June 26, 2018Allen WillsFayetteville, AR18 1/4
June 26, 2018Allen WillsFayetteville, AR18 1/4
June 26, 2018Allen WillsFayetteville, AR18 1/4
June 26, 2018Jay HonahanIowa City, IA18 1/2
June 26, 2018Allen WillsFayetteville, AR18 1/2
June 26, 2018John ClaffyWestern Springs, IL18 1/2
June 26, 2018Jim KriegerLino Lakes, MN18 1/2
June 27, 2018Micah DunaheeOrleans, IN18
June 27, 2018Alfredo Van NortwickEugene, OR18
June 27, 2018Seward E. HornerWakarusa, IN18
June 27, 2018Gerald DerksLees Summit, MO18
June 27, 2018Nathan SpoerlHoricon, WI18 1/2
June 27, 2018Cody LandtNeosho, MO18 1/2
June 27, 2018Gerald DerksLees Summit, MO18 1/2
June 27, 2018Micah DunaheeOrleans, IN19
June 27, 2018Ron NelsonBloomington, MN19
June 27, 2018Cody LandtNeosho, MO19
June 27, 2018Ethan RuthClaredon Hills, IL19 1/2
June 27, 2018Joe DobbsRichardson, TX20
June 27, 2018Seth SpoerlHoricon, WI21
June 28, 2018Seth SpoerlHoricon, WI18
June 28, 2018Nathan SpoerlHoricon, WI18
June 28, 2018Seward HornerGarnett, KS18
June 28, 2018Cliff McKrellOverland Park, KS18
June 28, 2018Jim KojasOverland Park, KS18
June 28, 2018Wayne SmithOverland Park, KS18
June 28, 2018Cliff McKrellOverland Park, KS18 1/4
June 28, 2018Jim KojasOverland Park, KS18 1/4
June 28, 2018Lonnie ScottKansas City, MO18 1/2
June 28, 2018Creed DobbsRichardson, TX18 1/2
June 28, 2018Sheila BrewerBedford, IN18 1/2
June 28, 2018Jim KojasOverland Park, KS19
June 28, 2018Mark PealerBlue Springs, MO19 3/4
June 29, 2018Seikei HibidoEdina, MN18
June 29, 2018Max AthaBuena Vista, CO18
June 29, 2018Cecil MillerStrawberry, MO18
June 29, 2018Randy VeresViroqua, WI18 1/2
June 29, 2018Cecil MillerStrawberry, MO18 1/2
June 29, 2018Mark WoltersBuena Vista, CO19
June 29, 2018Tommy BronkenLibertyville, IL19
June 30, 2018Zach LindamanAckley, IA18
June 30, 2018Larry Van NortwickJunction City, OR18
June 30, 2018Theo SieringEden Prairie, MN18 1/4
June 30, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
June 30, 2018Will VandergriftCharleston, SC18 1/2
June 30, 2018Alex VandergriftCharleston, SC19
June 30, 2018Thomas HooperMartinez, GA19
June 30, 2018Larry PierceMartinez, GA20
July 1, 2018Sara TiemensBecker, MN18
July 1, 2018Joe ClaffyWestern Springs, IL18
July 1, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
July 1, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
July 2, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
July 2, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
July 2, 2018Jeff JohnsonClearwater, MN19
July 3, 2018Mary DarstLeon, WV18
July 3, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
July 3, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
July 3, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
July 3, 2018Mike GehringerUrbandale, IA18 1/2
July 3, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
July 4, 2018Robert EhrenbergWeyauwega, WI18 1/4
July 4, 2018Robert EhrenbergWeyauwega, WI18 1/4
July 4, 2018Bruce DarstLeon, WV18 1/2
July 4, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
July 4, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
July 5, 2018Tracy DuchateauColgate, WI18
July 5, 2018Jacob JohnsonClearwater, MN18
July 5, 2018Barb TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
July 6, 2018Bill RhodesMayer, MN18
July 6, 2018Bruce DarstLeon, WV18 1/2
July 6, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
July 7, 2018Ethan MichekPhillips, WI18
July 7, 2018Ethan MichekPhillips, WI18
July 7, 2018Ethan MichekPhillips, WI18
July 7, 2018Tom MayersCrystal Lake, Il18 1/2
July 7, 2018Scott MillerMcArthur, OH19
July 7, 2018Kevin MillerNewark, OH19 1/2
July 8, 2018Glenna LaceyDallas, TX18
July 8, 2018Warren HonadelAugusta, WI18 1/2
July 8, 2018Bill SchaumburgDallas, TX18 1/2
July 8, 2018Connor LarsonFairchild, WI19
July 8, 2018Rob LarsonFairchild, WI19 1/4
July 9, 2018Brian TaylorDallas, TX18
July 9, 2018Brent DickinsenAuguston, WI18 1/4
July 9, 2018Pete WillkomPlover, WI18 1/4
July 9, 2018Greg PedersonStevens Point, WI18 1/2
July 10, 2018Bill LaceyDallas, TX18
July 10, 2018Mark TwesmeEau Claire, WI18 1/2
July 10, 2018Lydia PoppleOsseo, WI19
July 10, 2018Jeff LonnonBenton, IL19
July 11, 2018Paul ValentineSt Joseph, MO18
July 11, 2018Christian LarsonFall Creek, WI18 1/4
July 11, 2018Mark TwesmeEau Claire, WI18 1/2
July 11, 2018Glenna LaceyDallas, TX19
July 12, 2018David TrumboLoveland, CO18
July 12, 2018Ronald MechuraOsceola, WI18
July 13, 2018Chad KnudsonLawernce, KS18
July 13, 2018William SicardDressek, WI18 1/4
July 13, 2018Chad KnudsonLawernce, KS19
July 14, 2018Blake KoenenSouth St. Paul, MN18
July 14, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/4
July 15, 2018Dave FaginNorthbrook, IL18
July 15, 2018David LoftonBrentwood, TN18
July 15, 2018David HowellPisgah Forest, NC18
July 15, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/8
July 15, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/4
July 15, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC19
July 15, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC19 1/4
July 15, 2018Blake KoenenSouth St. Paul, MN20
July 16, 2018Tim BlankenshipNaperville, IL18
July 16, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC18
July 16, 2018David HowellPisgah Forest, NC18
July 16, 2018Lynn GarloughHarrodsburg, KY18 1/4
July 16, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/2
July 16, 2018Ken HartmannDeWitt, IA19
July 17, 2018Aaron McNeilGreenwood, IN18
July 17, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/8
July 17, 2018Mason JerveMontevideo, MN18 1/4
July 17, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC22
July 18, 2018Kurt HeckleSaint Charles, IL18
July 18, 2018Kurt HeckleSaint Charles, IL18
July 18, 2018Martin SimouikBrno, Czech Republic18
July 18, 2018Martin SimouikBrno, Czech Republic18
July 18, 2018Chris BakerHarrodsburg, KY18
July 18, 2018Jim NelsonMohine, IL18
July 18, 2018Doug LoftonGreenwood, IN18
July 18, 2018William EckertBrentwood, TN18
July 18, 2018Jason PawloskiHudsonville, MI18
July 18, 2018David HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/8
July 18, 2018Todd Hewell IVSaint Charles, IL18 3/4
July 18, 2018Todd Hewell IIISaint Charles, IL19
July 18, 2018Allan FreventPocahontas, IA19
July 18, 2018Rick RoepkeSilver Lake, MN19 1/8
July 18, 2018Todd Hewell IVSaint Charles, IL19 1/4
July 19, 2018Joe HornstienCO, United States18
July 19, 2018James McCollumO’Fallon, IL18
July 19, 2018Patrick VollandIndianapolis, IN18
July 19, 2018Ted CahillRolla, ND18
July 19, 2018Jason PawloskiHudsonville, MI18
July 19, 2018Kevin HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/4
July 19, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/2
July 19, 2018Dave DuitscherRolfe, IA18 1/2
July 19, 2018James KingNaperville, IL19 1/2
July 19, 2018Marco KingMontgomery, IL19 1/2
July 20, 2018Melissa HowellPisgah Forest, NC18
July 20, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC18
July 20, 2018Gary PontiusWoodbury, MN18
July 20, 2018Dave DuitscherRolfe, IA18
July 20, 2018Allan FreventPocahontas, IA18
July 20, 2018William EckertBrentwood, TN18 1/4
July 20, 2018Colton GetzlaffBottineau, ND18 1/2
July 20, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC19
July 20, 2018Julius ElickRolla, ND19
July 21, 2018Frank CaltaMinnetonka, MN18
July 21, 2018Andrew HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/2
July 21, 2018David HowellPisgah Forest, NC18 1/2
July 21, 2018Frank CaltaMinnetonka, MN20
July 22, 2018Max SutlinTX, United States18
July 22, 2018Max SutlinTX, United States18
July 22, 2018Tim DillonVadnais Heights, MN18
July 22, 2018Devin WareUnited States18
July 22, 2018Lisa HuppeEdgerton, KS18
July 22, 2018Max SutlinTX, United States18 1/2
July 22, 2018Joe HuppeRoeland Park, KS18 1/2
July 22, 2018Jeff BattersHarper, TX19 1/2
July 23, 2018James NelsonGalesburg, IL18
July 23, 2018Nancy HuppeRoeland Park, KS18
July 23, 2018Nancy HuppeRoeland Park, KS18
July 24, 2018Andrew WeldenNorwalk, IA18
July 24, 2018Arsen MeagherWest Linn, OR18
July 24, 2018Kyle HuppeEdgerton, KS18
July 24, 2018Jake HuppeEdgerton, KS18
July 24, 2018David MancusoVadnais Heights, MN18
July 24, 2018Mark PattisonSolon, IA18 1/4
July 24, 2018Andrew WeldenNorwalk, IA18 1/2
July 24, 2018Robert HoeyMaple Grove, MN20 1/2
July 25, 2018Garet SchoonoverWapelloe, IA18
July 25, 2018Joe HuppeRoeland Park, KS18
July 25, 2018Bruce ReadLeMars, IA18 1/4
July 25, 2018Kyle HuppeEdgerton, KS18 1/2
July 25, 2018Jim KelleyDayton, MN18 1/2
July 25, 2018Jim KelleyDayton, MN18 1/2
July 25, 2018Jim KelleyDayton, MN18 1/2
July 25, 2018Mark MyersSilverton, OR19
July 26, 2018Gary HuppeEdgerton, KS18
July 26, 2018Joe HuppeRoeland Park, KS18
July 26, 2018Jay PikeFairfield, IA18
July 26, 2018Jay PikeFairfield, IA18
July 26, 2018Jay PikeFairfield, IA18
July 26, 2018Jay PikeFairfield, IA18
July 26, 2018Jay PikeFairfield, IA18 1/4
July 26, 2018Donnie GausenFargo, ND18 1/4
July 27, 2018Gordon LundgrenFarmington, MN18
July 27, 2018Joe IngargiolaLongview, TX18 1/2
July 27, 2018Wes CallisonSatsuma, FL18 1/2
July 27, 2018Mike DoranNisswa, MN18 1/2
July 28, 2018Curt PratherPlatte City, Mo18 1/4
July 28, 2018David KingSouth Elgin, IL18 1/2
July 28, 2018Zach GirresAlta, IA19
July 29, 2018John HasselkusFirchburg, WI18 1/2
July 29, 2018Cheri RulundChippewa Falls, WI18 1/2
July 30, 2018Mike ParrishCedar Rapids, IA18
July 30, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18
July 30, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18
July 30, 2018Mike ParrishCedar Rapids, IA18 1/4
July 30, 2018Kurt DurscherCedar Rapids, IA18 1/2
July 30, 2018Patrick CurrieCovengton, KY18 1/2
July 31, 2018Steve MastainMinneapolis, MN18
July 31, 2018Daniel MastainMinneapolis, MN18
July 31, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18 1/4
August 1, 2018Ed KellyMinneapolis, MN18
August 1, 2018Emma WoltersMonticello, MN18 1/2
August 1, 2018Jeremy ChristiansonMinneapolis, MN19
August 1, 2018Lucas CarpenterBrooklyn Center, MN19
August 2, 2018Reniel ChristiansonMinneapolis, MN18
August 2, 2018Mike ParrishCedar Rapids, IA18
August 2, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18
August 2, 2018T.R. MottManitowoc, WI18
August 2, 2018Jackson GoodaleCoppell, TX18 1/2
August 2, 2018Duane DudleyHenderson, NV18 1/2
August 2, 2018T.R. MottManitowoc, WI18 1/2
August 2, 2018Tom KatichExton, PA19
August 3, 2018Carrie HayesSt. Cloud, MN18
August 3, 2018Jody KramerClearwater, MN18
August 3, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18
August 3, 2018Fernando MolinaWoodridge, IL18
August 3, 2018Dennis CarpenterOsakis, MN18
August 3, 2018Sam SeversonBradenton, FL18 1/4
August 3, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18 1/4
August 3, 2018Dennis CarpenterOsakis, MN18 1/4
August 3, 2018Tod PikeSolon, IA18 1/2
August 3, 2018Jeremy LobberechtOskaloosa, IA19
August 3, 2018Dennis CarpenterOsakis, MN19 1/4
August 4, 2018Chris GrimesThurmont, MD18
August 4, 2018Chris GrimesThurmont, MD18
August 4, 2018Hunter GrimesThurmont, MD18
August 4, 2018Gary LongHiawatha, IA18
August 4, 2018Gary LongHiawatha, IA18
August 4, 2018Duane LongHiawatha, IA18
August 4, 2018Duane LongHiawatha, IA18
August 4, 2018Mark LongCedar Rapids, IA18
August 4, 2018Mark LongCedar Rapids, IA18
August 4, 2018Mark LongCedar Rapids, IA18
August 4, 2018Rick GossFishers, IN18
August 4, 2018Jeffrey HollingsworthLoveland, OH18
August 4, 2018Mike ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 4, 2018Mike ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 4, 2018Mike ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 4, 2018Duane LongHiawatha, IA18 1/4
August 4, 2018Duane LongHiawatha, IA18 1/4
August 4, 2018Mark LongCedar Rapids, IA18 1/4
August 4, 2018Patrick KellyLombard, IL18 1/4
August 4, 2018Steve MiyaSandy, Utah18 1/2
August 4, 2018Joe FisherMaineville, OH18 1/2
August 4, 2018Joe FisherMaineville, OH18 1/2
August 4, 2018Mike ImhofBella Vista, AR18 1/2
August 4, 2018Mike ImhofBella Vista, AR18 1/2
August 4, 2018John MolinaBolingbrook, IL19 3/4
August 4, 2018Mike ImhofBella Vista, AR20 1/2
August 5, 2018Duane DudleyHenderson, NV18
August 5, 2018Duane DudleyHenderson, NV18
August 5, 2018Jim MontgomeryAustin, TX18
August 5, 2018Elsie ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 5, 2018Elsie ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 5, 2018Elsie ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 5, 2018Elsie ImhofBella Vista, AR18
August 5, 2018Elsie ImhofBella Vista, AR18 1/4
August 6, 2018Todd CrouseParker, CO18
August 6, 2018Duane DudleyHenderson, NV18
August 6, 2018Jim MontgomeryAustin, TX18
August 6, 2018Dale HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 6, 2018Jacob HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 6, 2018Jacob HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 6, 2018Jacob HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 6, 2018Jacob HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 6, 2018Jacob HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 6, 2018Jacob HagedornHendersonville, NC18 1/4
August 6, 2018Dale HagedornHendersonville, NC18 1/4
August 6, 2018Ben PinnellBoulder, CO18 1/2
August 6, 2018Duane DudleyHenderson, NV18 1/2
August 7, 2018Dale HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 7, 2018Dale HagedornHendersonville, NC18
August 7, 2018Nate DallenbachSpringfield, OH18 1/2
August 7, 2018Diane TaffCedar, MN18 1/2
August 7, 2018Logan StensrudRogers, MN18 1/2
August 7, 2018Logan StensrudRogers, MN18 1/2
August 7, 2018Mark FisherClear Lake, IA20 1/4
August 8, 2018Steve AxelsonLittleton, CO18
August 8, 2018Larry MartinMemphis, TN18
August 8, 2018Brock AnshutzSioux Falls, SD18 1/2
August 8, 2018Blair FisherClear Lake, IA18 1/2
August 8, 2018Blair FisherClear Lake, IA19
August 9, 2018Casey HarlowLoveland, CO18
August 9, 2018Bill LacyMcDonough, GA18
August 9, 2018Steve MartyRush City, MN18 1/4
August 9, 2018Tom BallingerOnalaska, WI18 1/2
August 9, 2018Richard deJongBrevard, NC18 1/2
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ19
August 9, 2018John GrainesPhoenix, AZ19
August 9, 2018John GrainesPhoenix, AZ19
August 9, 2018John GrainesPhoenix, AZ19
August 9, 2018Simon ShambeauMenomonie, WI19 1/2
August 9, 2018John GrainesPhoenix, AZ20
August 9, 2018John GrainesPhoenix, AZ20
August 9, 2018Tony EnglandPeoria, AZ21
August 10, 2018Tommy ClarkFall Branch, TN20
August 11, 2018John ParkerSevierville, TN18
August 11, 2018Jay ZwartMoorsville, NC18
August 11, 2018Lee LeshperAnchorage, AK18
August 12, 2018Rick BohananSevierville, TN18 1/2
August 12, 2018Rick BohananSevierville, TN19
August 13, 2018Williams BroylesIllinois, USA18
August 13, 2018Ryder CourtneyUnited States18
August 13, 2018Ryder CourtneyUnited States18
August 13, 2018Nicholas ZwartBoulder, CO18
August 13, 2018Nicholas ZwartBoulder, CO18
August 13, 2018Scott RodenSt. Augustine, FL18
August 13, 2018Lance LeschperAnson, TX18
August 13, 2018Nicholas ZwartBoulder, CO18 1/2
August 13, 2018Nicholas ZwartBoulder, CO18 1/2
August 13, 2018Stephen ThayerEllsworth, WI18 3/4
August 13, 2018Dana LansingEllsworth, WI19
August 13, 2018Nicholas ZwartBoulder, CO20
August 14, 2018Jason DlugoshLincoln, NE18
August 14, 2018Andy GreenlandHillsborough, NC18
August 14, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18
August 14, 2018Zach LinemanAckley, IA18
August 14, 2018Jeff TindleCarrollton, MO18 1/4
August 14, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/4
August 14, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/4
August 14, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/4
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO18 1/4
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO18 1/4
August 14, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/2
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO18 1/2
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO18 1/2
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO18 1/2
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO18 3/4
August 14, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO19
August 14, 2018Ron GreenlandDover, OH19 1/2
August 14, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO19 1/2
August 15, 2018Mark HaburnNevada, IA18
August 15, 2018Mark HaburnNevada, IA18
August 15, 2018Brad HamesAckley, IA18 1/4
August 15, 2018Brad HamesAckley, IA18 1/4
August 15, 2018Jim RichtsmeierAckley, IA18 3/4
August 15, 2018Andy GreenlandHillsborough, NC19
August 15, 2018Tyler BankerLees Summit, MO19
August 15, 2018Larry DlugoshLincoln, NE19 1/2
August 16, 2018Ryan DuganRoyersford, PA18
August 16, 2018Andy GreenlandHillsborough, NC18
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX18
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX18
August 16, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18
August 16, 2018Lee LeschperAnchorage, AK18
August 16, 2018Lee LeshperAnchorage, AK18
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX18 1/4
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX18 1/4
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX18 1/4
August 16, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/4
August 16, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/4
August 16, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/4
August 16, 2018Jim WrighOmaha, NE18 1/4
August 16, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO18 1/2
August 16, 2018Kyle SearsBlair, NE18 1/2
August 16, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO19
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX19
August 16, 2018Mike CoxRaymore, MO19
August 16, 2018Joe MagillLake Elmo, MN19
August 16, 2018Steve CassityLewisville, TX19 1/2
August 16, 2018Billy FriesLone Jack, MO20
August 17, 2018Ken AndresLake Elmo, MN18
August 17, 2018Jim KimberlyWolfeboro, NH18 1/2
August 18, 2018Nicholas KimberlyWolfeboro, NH18
August 18, 2018John OrtegoLafayette, LA18
August 18, 2018John EllingworthHudson, WI18
August 18, 2018Sam LivingstonLake Geneva, WI18
August 18, 2018Sam LivingstonLake Geneva, WI18
August 18, 2018Bill LorentzWatkins, MN18
August 18, 2018Bill LorentzWatkins, MN18
August 18, 2018Craig WagonerRossville, IN18
August 18, 2018Ryan SiatsSaginaw, MN18
August 18, 2018John OrtegoLafayette, LA18 1/4
August 18, 2018Mark SchehrHam Lake, MN18 1/4
August 18, 2018Mark SchehrHam Lake, MN18 1/4
August 18, 2018Curtis CareyHudson, WI18 1/2
August 18, 2018Curtis CareyHudson, WI18 1/2
August 18, 2018John EllingworthHudson, WI18 1/2
August 18, 2018Bill LorentzWatkins, MN18 1/2
August 18, 2018Daniel SiatsNorthome, MN18 1/2
August 18, 2018Craig WagonerRossville, IN18 3/4
August 18, 2018Patrick CzechSt. Stephen, MN19
August 18, 2018John EllingworthHudson, WI19 1/2
August 19, 2018Mike HowesZeeland, MI18
August 19, 2018John RobertLafeyette, LA19
August 21, 2018Jimmy VandewegeSt. Joseph, MI18
August 21, 2018Greg StasiakTraverse City, MI20
August 22, 2018Carson RakersManchester, MO18 1/4
August 22, 2018Jamie TocbenPocahontas, IL18 1/4
August 24, 2018John RobertLafayette, LA18
August 24, 2018John RobertLafayette, LA18 1/2
August 24, 2018Brad WindlerBallwin, MO18 1/2
August 24, 2018Jim RableSt. Peters, MO19 1/2
August 25, 2018Blake BartnickPlano, TX18
August 25, 2018Susie FreersMuscatine, IA18 1/4
August 25, 2018Blake BartnickPlano, TX18 1/2
August 25, 2018Dale RakersBreese, IL18 1/2
August 25, 2018Dale RakersBreese, IL18 1/2
August 26, 2018Bill BruegerBuffalo City, WI18
August 26, 2018Bill BruegerBuffalo City, WI18
August 26, 2018Peter WeumEdina, MN18
August 26, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18
August 26, 2018Brian TulodzieskiHilliard, OH18 1/4
August 26, 2018Brian TulodzieskiHilliard, OH18 1/4
August 26, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
August 26, 2018Peter WeumEdina, MN19
August 27, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18
August 27, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
August 27, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
August 27, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
August 27, 2018Scott ForemanWesterville, OH18 1/2
August 27, 2018Hunter DaviesKenasee Lake, SK19
August 27, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH19
August 28, 2018Brian TulodzieskiHilliard, OH18
August 28, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18
August 28, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18
August 28, 2018Scott ForemanWesterville, OH18
August 28, 2018Ralph SchowengerdtKansas City, MO18
August 28, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18 1/4
August 28, 2018Brent KlaskeKS19
August 28, 2018James FerrellStevens Point, WI19
August 28, 2018Kelly HutchinsonKenosha, WI20 1/2
August 29, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18
August 29, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18
August 29, 2018Stephen ToniArborg, MB18
August 29, 2018Scott ForemanWesterville, OH18 1/4
August 29, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
August 29, 2018Bruce DarstLeon, WV18 1/2
August 29, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18 1/2
August 30, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18
August 30, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18
August 30, 2018Mike SchroerWorthington, OH18
August 30, 2018Scott ForemanWesterville, OH18
August 30, 2018Liz JacobsFox River Grove, IL18
August 30, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18 1/4
August 30, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18 1/2
August 30, 2018Scott ForemanWesterville, OH18 3/4
August 31, 2018Blake KlimmekNew Richland, MN18
August 31, 2018Scott TulodzieskiColumbus, OH18
August 31, 2018Brain TulodzieskiHilliard, OH18
August 31, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
August 31, 2018Blake KlimmekNew Richland, MN19
August 31, 2018Guy PaquinWhitewood, SK19 1/4
September 1, 2018Chuck ForsgrenLincoln, NE18
September 1, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
September 1, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
September 2, 2018Evee KyleKenora, ON18
September 2, 2018Lance Van HeidenWellsburg, IA18
September 2, 2018Bruce DarstLeon, WV18
September 2, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
September 2, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
September 2, 2018Landon FriesenCalgary, AB19 1/4
September 2, 2018Alan RosendahlIowa, United States20 1/2
September 3, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
September 3, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
September 3, 2018Steven FrostMesa, AZ18
September 3, 2018Steven FrostMesa, AZ18
September 3, 2018Colleen FrostMesa, AZ18
September 3, 2018Colleen FrostMesa, AZ18
September 3, 2018Colleen FrostMesa, AZ18
September 3, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/2
September 3, 2018Colleen FrostMesa, AZ18 1/2
September 3, 2018Steven FrostMesa, AZ19
September 3, 2018Steven FrostMesa, AZ19
September 4, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
September 4, 2018Bruce DarstLeon, WV18
September 4, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18 1/4
September 5, 2018Kris HeinrichsSleepy Eye, MN18
September 5, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH18
September 5, 2018Bruce DarstLeon, WV18
September 5, 2018Hank TulodzieskiGrove City, OH19
September 5, 2018Dan WallisOswega, IL19
September 6, 2018Mark HagerBovey, MN18
September 6, 2018Brian TownleyWakeney, KS18
September 6, 2018Kevin RoyerPlainville, KS18
September 6, 2018Kevin RoyerPlainville, KS18
September 6, 2018Ron RenebergKensington, KS18
September 6, 2018Mike ParkerPlainview, TX18
September 6, 2018Mike ParkerPlainview, TX18
September 6, 2018Guy WilliamsWarrior, AL18
September 6, 2018Tom HeggenSandwich, IL18
September 6, 2018Brian TownleyWakeney, KS18 1/4
September 6, 2018Brian TownleyWakeney, KS18 1/2
September 6, 2018Kevin RoyerPlainville, KS18 1/2
September 6, 2018Ron RenebergKensington, KS18 1/2
September 6, 2018Ron RenebergKensington, KS18 1/2
September 6, 2018Gabriel PolsonRozel, KS18 1/2
September 6, 2018Mike ParkerPlainview, TX18 1/2
September 6, 2018Tom HeggenSandwich, IL18 1/2
September 6, 2018Glen HasenheyerOswego, IL18 1/2
September 6, 2018Brian TownleyWakeney, KS18 3/4
September 6, 2018Kevin RoyerPlainville, KS18 3/4
September 6, 2018Brian TownleyWakeney, KS19
September 6, 2018Tom HeggenSandwich, IL19
September 6, 2018Gary OelmannAckley, IA19 1/2
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR18
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR18
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR18
September 7, 2018Tim BarrettFranklin, TN18
September 7, 2018Travis BergEau Claire, WI18
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR18 1/4
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR18 1/4
September 7, 2018Tim BarrettFranklin, TN18 1/4
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR18 1/2
September 7, 2018Tim BarrettFranklin, TN18 1/2
September 7, 2018Tim BarrettFranklin, TN18 1/2
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR19
September 7, 2018Jim DonohueSalem, OR19
September 7, 2018Dan WalstadMartinsville, IN19
September 7, 2018Mark HagerBovey, MN19 1/4
September 7, 2018Dean HansonFort Walton Beach, FL19 1/2
September 8, 2018Roger JurneyOswego, IL18
September 8, 2018Mark RobinsonZionsville, IN18 1/8
September 8, 2018Steve BuonoSt. Charles, IL18 1/2
September 10, 2018Charlie TaylorBella Vista, AR18
September 10, 2018Jerry SkurkaOswego, Il18
September 12, 2018Tim LeifheitBristol, IL18 1/2
September 12, 2018Tim LeifheitBristol, IL19
September 13, 2018Richard AndersonLaguna Vista, TX18
September 13, 2018Robert GradleSt. Charles, IL18
September 13, 2018Robert GradleSt. Charles, IL18 1/2
September 13, 2018Daryl P. BraunLake Geneva, WI19
September 14, 2018David CormanSt. Louis, MO18
September 14, 2018Tom HermSt. Louis, MO18 1/4
September 14, 2018Phil GauchetLemont, IL18 1/2
September 14, 2018Phil GauchetLemont, IL18 1/2
September 14, 2018Phil GauchetLemont, IL19
September 15, 2018David CormanSt. Louis, MO18
September 15, 2018Steve MeredithKarkarna, WI18
September 15, 2018David CormanSt. Louis, MO18 3/4
September 15, 2018Don SpindlerStratford, WI18 3/4
September 15, 2018Tom HermSt. Louis, MO19 1/4
September 16, 2018Greg SpindlerChippewa Falls, WI18
September 17, 2018Steve SchmidtMarshfield, WI18
September 17, 2018Max LindsayHixson, TN18 1/2
September 18, 2018Max LindsayHixson, TN18
September 18, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18
September 18, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18
September 18, 2018Pat MichelsUnion Grove, WI18 1/5
September 18, 2018Max LindsayHixson, TN18 1/2
September 18, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18 1/2
September 18, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18 1/2
September 18, 2018Pat MichelsUnion Grove, WI19 1/2
September 20, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18 1/4
September 20, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18 1/2
September 20, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO18 3/4
September 21, 2018Max LindsayHixson, TN18
September 21, 2018David FreersMuskatine, IA19 1/2
September 21, 2018Blake LindsayDenver, CO20 1/4
September 21, 2018David FreersMuskatine, IA20 1/2
September 24, 2018Harry HillJefferson City, MO18
September 25, 2018Joseph FilipliakPalos Hills, IL18 1/2